How many of us have said: "I'd love to drive 'cross country someday"?
If you nodded your head or raised your hand that means we are one in the same tribe.
I've had the electric experience of doing this drive a number of times. Each trip motivated by a consuming desire to see, feel and breathe it all in. And by "it all" I mean every single thing you could squeeze into a trip all while driving a moving truck, jammed beyond breathing space with everything you own, towing your car behind you and continuously soothing your pissed-off cat with herbal remedies to calm her from the hatred she has pumping through her veins because you are doing this....again.
Just know that the heavy load, continuous need to stop for gas and the hissing feline sidekick didn't stop me from a constant drip of the word "WOW", the feeling of wonderment or the urge to hop out of the truck and take photos of every-single-thing that made my eyes (and heart) open wider.
Truth be told, I just couldn't soak it in fast enough. The green pastures, blue skies and friendly cows of Nebraska are vivid in my mind's eye along with hills rolling in like a welcome wagon as you make your way into Wyoming. And then there's Utah, there's a pocket of space there that literally took my breath away. I fell so fast and so deeply in love when I think of it today I smile sweetly.
The day I saw amber waves of grain still gives me goosebumps. I can recall watching it, as I rolled by, completely in awe and saying it out loud as if the lyrics to America The Beautiful were suddenly sitting on my lap. It's one of my favorite moments.
The Mars-like terrain tucked in-between the southern California/Arizona border continues to weird me out. And to date, I have yet to see a sunset that beats that of the Arizona desert. In my humble opinion, the desert is the King of Sunsets.
Colorado took me by the shoulders (and ego) and gave me a good shake (visualize one of those 1950's fat burning machines). His steep inclines along with my heavy loaded truck made an ass-kicking recipe for screaming breaks that pitched a fit that could battle any toddler.
Of course, I can't find words to describe the grandiosity of the Grand Canyon. All I can recommend is that you go.
(However, please note: Do NOT go there driving a 20 foot moving truck towing your vehicle behind it. At least do NOT go to the North Rim via this monstrosity. I count being able to keep all 8 tires on that incredibly skinny, loop-de-loop, death-defying road one of my luckier days. There was no question that the belly of the canyon was licking its chops just waiting for a morsel to fall. It's an epic story to tell but let's just say that I'm well aware I'm here today simply because Lady Luck was squeezed into the cab of the truck, alongside me, as we each wiped the sweat from our brows.)
You see, the thing is, I could keep sharing little bits of nostalgia from each mark on my Map Of Travels but that's not exactly the purpose of this post. The purpose of this post is to spark some inspiration in you so you can go and start marking your own map with pin drops of memories.
This great country has so much personality and so much variety that makes up the collective fabric that is US. Sure that includes the Big Players like NYC, San Francisco, Miami and Chicago (all of which I love) as well as Boston (the only place I call home). But I also need to point out that some of the spots that took me by the hand and made a life long impression were far off the beaten path. They were shy whispers of Americana, not just the flashy big brothers. They included small town smiles and country hand-shakes. These spots were found by taking dirt paths that lead to ghost towns and covered bridges that lead to kaleidoscope mountaintops. These hidden gems were the pieces that really captured me.
And so, I'm holding onto good ol' Hope here, that this might have you digging out that dusty old list that you labeled "Places To See" so you can giddy up and hit the road!
(Oh, and don't forget to report back. You all know I'm a sucker for epic road trip stories!)
:: Always from under the same sky ::
Imagery courtesy of (from top to bottom):
Spell & Gypsy Collective
Luna the Sidekick by Tara Mazzeo
America The Beautiful: NCSU Libraries (
Vibrating Belt:
North Rim by Tara Mazzeo
Pin Dropping 1 & 2 by Tara Mazzeo
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